Thursday, December 7, 2017

Integrity, Honor, and Morality My strong opinion piece

I know...huge words with huge responsibilities!  Hear me out....If liberal and progressive minds are to succeed against the growing tyranny of the republican and alt right progression, we must call for Al Franken's resignation.  We MUST take the high road.  Something we have lost in this last election. Why?  This is going to piss a lot of liberals off, but I really believe the Clinton's, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and some others have torn the integrity, honor, and morality of the liberal party apart.  It does suck that liberals are constantly held to a higher level than the right.  It sucks that black men are held to a higher level of scrutiny than his white counterpart.  But, I will argue that this is the time to rise above.  It is NOT fair and it is NOT just, but we must try.

Why is this so important now?  We must rebuild.  We must re-establish trust in our leaders which we have so few.  The few we have are not being supported enough, and that must change.  We must get our asses out of fear and make bold stances.  We have no choice or the people will not listen and be in despair.  Hopefully, this will be temporary, but who knows.  It is the right thing to do and now is the time.

In my opinion, we have gotten ourselves into this mess because we have co-oped our dignity as a movement to money, greed, and low moral behavior.  I has the conservative side, and I would argue they have been doing this for a VERY long time and getting away with it.  When any of their behavior is pointed out, they respond with "both sides are corrupt".  It's time to make that statement entirely false.

The evangelical movement (and it is a movement with a long history) has and continues to embrace immoral behavior.  Today, Roy Moore, in the past, Jim Baker, Newt Gingrich, etc...shall I go on?  I Jerry Falwell, Jr., Franklin Graham, Richard Land, James Dobson, Eric Metaxas, and on and on have put their morality and evangelical beliefs aside to support Donald Trump who has pushed every envelope of moral and honorable (we won't even mention lack of integrity because that evidence is overwhelming, yet ignored by evangelicals) actions.  Yet, they are stridently in line with the devil.  Yes, it's time for strong words.  All of the people mentioned above are smart manipulators of truth including the Clinton's, etc..on the liberal side.  They have compromised our country and sovereignty making all of the citizens of the United States vulnerable and in need of strong guidance.

Next, we desperately need the media to stop with the sensationalizing of our democracy.  STOP interviewing crazy people and arguing with them on air.  Ignore them and focus on intelligent difficult discussions.  IF you are going to give crazy people air time, be prepared to land blast them with indisputable facts.  They are not worth interviewing and giving air time if they have no evidence to back up their views.  You're going for ratings instead of integrity and it's destroying our country!

There is no greater time than now for a change of guard.  Call it Social Democrat, Socialist, Democrat, Progressive, whatever, we need each other now more than ever.  Many know my followings of Bernie Sanders.  He is not perfect, who is, but he represented great hope for the future and still does.  He is ruthless and admired by a large majority of US citizens.  To ignore this is futile.  To capitalize on this movement is a "duh" moment for me.  Bernie is old, yes, but he has supported and encouraged others that need our support.  I would argue he desperately wants a change of guard so he can enjoy the rest of his life.  He's ready to step up if no one else will, which is why I admire him so.

We need more with guts like Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii), Sonia Gandhi (India), Yoani Sanchez (Cuba), more with larger political names. We currently have a huge array of left leaning public speakers in the journalist realm, yay, but we need more.  But, we desperately need a Martin Luther King, a Malcolm X, a Septima Clark, a Dorothy Height, an Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a Frederick Douglas, an Abraham Lincoln, get my point.  There are some great minds out there that need support and encouragement from the citizens, especially in the US right now!

To quote a book (The Scorpion's Sting:  Antislavery and the Coming of the Civil War) I'm reading now from the wonderful historian James Oakes, "...slavery's opponents most often put their faith in an entirely different program designed to bring about the "ultimate extinction" of slavery.  They would withdraw all federal support for slavery, surround the South with a "cordon of freedom," pressuring the states to abolish the institution on their own.  "Like a scorpion girt of fire," antislavery activists argued, slavery would eventually sting itself to death."

We know that this method never saw complete fruition, yet I believe we may have to use similar tactics today with evangelical and alt right movements.  Ultimately, no Christian, in my view, has any right to judge another's lifestyle or life choices.  They have no right to decide what a woman can choose for their own body.  They cannot demand all children be born with no sense of responsibility as a whole for the care of that individual.  Those judgments, in the Bible, are the job of God and or Jesus Christ.  Their opinions don't matter.  This is their scorpion sting, or at least one big one.  They are cherry picking their beloved (version) of the Bible and need to be called out.

It is my opinion, that we are seeing a huge fightback from this conservative evangelical movement that is joining forces with manipulative male domineering, business and political greedy, self absorbed babies.  If we don't face them head on with integrity, honor, and morality we will loose the most important battle for our nations sovereignty.

There will be a lashing for my post.  Fine.  I've stepped into the fray.  How about you?

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