Monday, December 18, 2017

Lincoln is not your Republican

In February of 1866 the Senate enlarged the powers of the Freedmen's Bureau.  “Naturally lazy, the Southern negro would at once avail himself of this offer of Government care and support,” snarled the Democrat’s paper in Franklin County, Virginia1. “to maintain an army of greedy office-holders, and a million or more of lazy negroes in idleness”2

Shall we discuss what party these sentiments represent today?  Truth is being railroaded by people that believe any crap that will align with their views.  Feeling a bit guilty that your party represents racism, hate, oppression? Just look back in history and try to co-op a fabricated connection to a party name and wah…lah…you are now the party of Republican Lincoln and can claim how much your party did to fight slavery and injustice.  History be damned!

I dare you to read the quotes above and claim you are the party of Lincoln.  What am I saying?  You already have your fingers in your ears…la,la,la,la,la….

1The Thin Light of Freedom, p.383.  The Freedmen’s Bureau was established by the Lincoln administration prior to the end of the Civil War to assist the transition of the oppressed former slaves to a better footing.  Of course, the conservative (former DEMOCRAT) party which splintered and later became the Republican party of George Wallace, Nixon, Reagan, etc. resisted this at great lengths.  I would argue they have mastered a way to continue with the same quote above to continue this legacy.

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