Our school's safety is the most important issue before us, NOT Russian trolls. That is a diversion that only helps divide our focus. That issue can wait as our children are more important, don't you think?
If we focus on gun regulation, relentlessly. and give Republicans two choices:
1. Gun regulation
2. Absolute Gun removal from citizens
It's time to stop asking for No. 1 politely and go aggressively for No. 2. WHAT????
The Democratic Party has made blundering errors that they will not fess up to. Yes, errors. It is time to learn and change tactics. What am I talking about???
The current Republican party has masterfully figured out strategies that work. They are calculated, ambitious, and in many cases down right evil. BUT, they work, and we are all paying a heavy price, now and down the road. Oh, yes, it will get worse.
The strategy I'm talking about is aggressive legislation or aggressive attack on legislation they want to weaken. For example, Obamacare is not Obama's original plan. His plan was well presented, well thought out, and moderate in it's presentation, already bending to accommodate Republican ideas. I firmly disagree with anyone that said Obama didn't reach across the isle and compromise. I believe he was pretty conservative in his democratic views, many I disagreed with, except where Republican's hated the most, social issues, where I agreed. But, I digress....
If Democrats go after No. 2 aggressively it will cause an uproar. Yeah! It will be defeated....don't stop...present legislation over and over again attacking gun ownership, period. This is how we got the crappy budget that passed. Republicans go after things they know won't pass, but what they end up with is close to what they wanted in the first place. Read that sentence again. They have been doing this for years and are now at the peak of success with this strategy.
Can't Democrats grow some and learn from this method? Yeah...it sucks, but I believe that we can get Republicans at the table if we go aggressively after gun ownership 100%. They have proven time and time again that they will NOT negotiate gun regulation. If not, give them No. 2 as there only alternative.
Democrat and Progressive leaders in any position within our government, I implore you to be a nuisance on our behalf. We have supported and elected you to serve us. We can't protest this away without your help. Even if your legislative proposals get voted down, keep presenting it, keep bringing it up, become the biggest nuisance you can. I can guarantee Bernie Sanders will be right there in your corner. Put your damn egos aside, he's good at being a nuisance. But, ultimately, you can do this without Bernie, without Hillary, without anyone put who is right there working with you. I can guarantee I will and the majority of your followers will be there. This is so much better than taking money from businesses for your coffers. You'll sleep so much better at night.
What are you waiting for??
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