Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I am mostly left handed, write right handed, throw a ball left handed, play tennis right handed, shoot a basketball left handed, kick a ball with my left foot.  What am I?  By taking a not so reliable quiz on being right or left brained, I pretty much came out almost even, with a slight preference for being left brained.
It's taken me most of my life to figure out that I don't fit many molds.  I think differently, mostly like a seclusive geek, but I'm quite well liked and do well in one on one conversations and small gatherings.  I'm quite uncomfortable making small talk unless I can find a common interest, then just try to shut me up!
From an early age I've been obsessed with intrigue, research, athleticism, and artistry.  My weakness has always been having a deep interest in too many things at once.  My day is always being torn between hyper focus on several interests.  I'm a musician, so a big part of my day has to be spend practicing this craft.  I'm a genealogist, so quite often something will catch my interest and I will go off on a research tangent.
There is no doubt that I will never experience boredom for the rest of my life.  What I find myself having to do is choose what NOT to pursue.  This sounds like an easy problem to have, but I find myself trying to leave certain things alone such as certain family lines I know I could not possible have enough time to spend researching.  Low and behold, I will find something on this line and.....there I go.

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